So here we are, after many weeks and months of planning and activity the new website is now live. I’ve had the idea to launch a second site dedicated to my self initiated work for many years now and I’m very excited that it now finally sees the light of day. This new venture represents a conscious shift for me in the direction of dedicating more time and energy towards self initiated projects.
While my existing site will still be running to cater for my commissioned and client photography I’m now very pleased to have this new site to act as a dedicated outlet for my personal projects. In terms of new projects I have something very exciting planned for early 2014 so head on over to the video section to discover more. This represents my first major piece of video work there are other plenty of other projects on the horizon too.
This new website also offers the chance to buy prints of my images directly from the site thanks to its integration with Photoshelter. All images when selected have a ‘buy print’ button and you can choose the size and finish to your liking. It’s a fully automated service in conjunction with the lab Spectrum Photographic in the UK and they also take care of the packaging and postage worldwide. I’ll also be offering limited edition signed and mounted prints from Spring of 2014 so keep an eye out for those too.
The site will be growing not only as new content is added but also in terms of the sections on offer. From Spring 2014 there will also be a quarterly magazine available hosted by and also a shop where you’ll be able to purchase items collected on my travels
As for the name of the site it came about as quite an organic process. I’d had the idea for the site for a while and knew I’d be needing a name for it. I wanted it to relate to the notion of travel and movement and came across the word ‘denizen’ in a wikipedia article about the ‘Bonzo Dog doo dah Band’ refering to them as a ‘created by a group of British art school denizens’. Once I’d looked up its meaning it fitted perfectly:
denizen / noun 1 formal an inhabitant (human or animal). 2 Biol. a species of animal or plant which has become well established after being introduced to an area which it is not native. [from Old French deinzein, from deinz, within].
The fact that I’m half French on my mothers side and descended from refugee Huguenot French on my fathers was a nice bonus and acted as sign it was the name to go for….
Enjoy the website